Why Choose Us?
Simply put, Canada is among the highest rated of OECD countries when it comes to the quality of our education, consistently outperforming major partners such as the UK and the United States.
Around the world, there are more than 129 independent Canadian offshore schools in 43 countries using the excellent curriculum from one of Canada’s provinces. Schools from all over the world use Canada as a benchmark for excellence in learning. That’s because we understand that creating critical thinkers and engaged citizens begins with teaching students how to learn.
We recognize and respect our students for the individuals that they are; we understand that academic success also depends on building strong and ongoing relationships with parents. Our program will ensure that your child is given a competitive advantage at major universities in Canada and around the world.
OECD - PISA 2018

*PISA Program for International Student Assessment-2018

Education for the 21st Century
The British Columbia Ministry of Education has been rated as having one of the best education systems in the world. Teachers are skilled, and students are performing near the top of international assessments.
To maintain high achievement, the British Columbia Ministry of Education has transformed its education system to one that better engages students in their own learning and fosters the skills and competencies students will need to succeed. One focus for this transformation is a curriculum that enables and supports increasingly personalized learning, through quality teaching and learning, flexibility and choice, and high standards.
The Kindergarten to Grade 12 academic curriculum maintains a focus on sound foundations of literacy and numeracy, while supporting the development of citizens who are competent thinkers and communicators, and who are personally and socially competent in all areas of their lives. British Columbia’s redesigned curriculum honours the ways in which students think, learn, and grow, and prepares them for a successful lifetime of learning where ongoing change is constant.
Key features of the redesigned curriculum include the following:
Core Competencies:
Communication, Thinking, Personal and Social Responsibility
The Educated Citizen
Essential Learning:
key content, concepts, skills and big ideas
Literacy and Numeracy Foundations
Content-based and Competency-driven Learning
Flexible Learning Environments
ICT-enabled Learning Environments
Inquiry and Questions-based Approaches
Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge
Valuing Diversity
Supporting Diverse Learning
British Columbia's Policy for student success
The British Columbia policy for student success has 5 key elements that will no doubt appeal to parents:
Quality teaching and learning
Student-centred learning
Future orientation
High and measurable standards
Healthy and affective learning environments
In adopting British Columbia’s Policy for Student Success, the ECB-CBS provides students with a personalized approach to learning. We believe that students that are given the chance to pursue their individual interests, and passions are much more likely to succeed as educated citizens in a competitive global economy.
Diversity in Schools
The ECB-CBS is committed to recognizing and honoring the diversity of our school community. Diversity among people is one of the most prominent features in today’s society and in our schools.
The British Columbia School Act states that the purpose of its school system is ‘to enable all learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy, democratic and pluralistic society and a prosperous and sustainable economy’. To achieve this purpose, the ECB-CBS strives to ensure that differences among our students do not impede their participation in school, their mastery of learning outcomes, or their ability to become contributing members of society.
The ECB-CBS is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that fosters success for all of our students and promoting fair and equitable treatment for all.